Staff Resources


Power School

Computer Cart Sign-up

Sign-Up Sheet: Replaces paper Sign-Up sheets on carts.


Material Safety Data Sheet: Quickly view safety information



  • Teacher: Great way to monitor and control the use of Chromebooks in the classroom.

  • GoGuardian Training: Great short videos to get you started

Online Tools

UMass Blog: This webpage lists the most popular tools to use in the classroom, each with a detailed review.

Facilities Use

Operations Hero: Reserve the use of common areas.


MUNIS Password Reset Link

Visit Cloud Admin website. Click on “Forgot My Password” and type in your work email address and Munis username:  You will receive an email with a one-time use link that is valid for only 30 minutes which will allow you to reset your password.

Free Webinars

New England ISTE PD Resources Education is changing, and so are we. Every learner has unique needs and educators are leveraging the tools around them to meet their learners where they are.

Lunch Survey

Bristol Aggie Staff Library/media & Technology Resources